
( - )
2021-01-20 14:41:07
2,239 B

2 Inputs

Total Input:
  • Q!Xäîðšµ3A·ç1ŒBP¡2Q¡;Ð%²ÖÞ#P*Q®Mí{"__cls":"class PositionSC {\n constructor(owner, numberOfShares = 0, dealId = '', facilityId = '', fundId = '') {\n this._owners = [owner];\n this.numberOfShares = numberOfShares;\n this.dealId = dealId\n this.facilityId = facilityId;\n this.fundId = fundId;\n }\n\n split(newNumberOfShares) {\n if (newNumberOfShares === this.numberOfShares) {\n return this;\n }\n if (newNumberOfShares < this.numberOfShares) {\n this.numberOfShares -= newNumberOfShares;\n return new PositionSC(this._owners[0], newNumberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, this.fundId);\n }\n throw new Error(`Cannot split current transaction`);\n }\n\n merge(...positions) {\n try {\n if (positions.length === 0) return this;\n let sendNumberOfShares = this.numberOfShares;\n this.numberOfShares = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 1) {\n if (positions[i].dealId !== this.dealId || positions[i].facilityId !== this.facilityId || positions[i].fundId !== this.fundId) {\n throw new Error(`Unable to merge, positions don't originate from the same facility or don't belong to the same fund`);\n }\n sendNumberOfShares += positions[i].numberOfShares;\n positions[i].numberOfShares = 0;\n }\n return new PositionSC(this._owners[0], sendNumberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, this.fundId);\n } catch (err) {\n throw new Error(`Unable to merge positions`);\n }\n }\n\n send(to, fundId, numberOfShares) {\n if (this.numberOfShares < numberOfShares) throw new Error(`Insufficient funds`);\n this.numberOfShares = this.numberOfShares - numberOfShares;\n return new PositionSC(to, numberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, fundId);\n }\n}"}u

3 Outputs

Total Output:
  • Q!Xäîðšµ3A·ç1ŒBP¡2Q¡;Ð%²ÖÞ#P*Q®<{"__index":{"obj":0,"res":1},"__func":"split","__args":[30]}u
  • Q!Xäîðšµ3A·ç1ŒBP¡2Q¡;Ð%²ÖÞ#P*Q®Mí{"__cls":"class PositionSC {\n constructor(owner, numberOfShares = 0, dealId = '', facilityId = '', fundId = '') {\n this._owners = [owner];\n this.numberOfShares = numberOfShares;\n this.dealId = dealId\n this.facilityId = facilityId;\n this.fundId = fundId;\n }\n\n split(newNumberOfShares) {\n if (newNumberOfShares === this.numberOfShares) {\n return this;\n }\n if (newNumberOfShares < this.numberOfShares) {\n this.numberOfShares -= newNumberOfShares;\n return new PositionSC(this._owners[0], newNumberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, this.fundId);\n }\n throw new Error(`Cannot split current transaction`);\n }\n\n merge(...positions) {\n try {\n if (positions.length === 0) return this;\n let sendNumberOfShares = this.numberOfShares;\n this.numberOfShares = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 1) {\n if (positions[i].dealId !== this.dealId || positions[i].facilityId !== this.facilityId || positions[i].fundId !== this.fundId) {\n throw new Error(`Unable to merge, positions don't originate from the same facility or don't belong to the same fund`);\n }\n sendNumberOfShares += positions[i].numberOfShares;\n positions[i].numberOfShares = 0;\n }\n return new PositionSC(this._owners[0], sendNumberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, this.fundId);\n } catch (err) {\n throw new Error(`Unable to merge positions`);\n }\n }\n\n send(to, fundId, numberOfShares) {\n if (this.numberOfShares < numberOfShares) throw new Error(`Insufficient funds`);\n this.numberOfShares = this.numberOfShares - numberOfShares;\n return new PositionSC(to, numberOfShares, this.dealId, this.facilityId, fundId);\n }\n}"}u