
( - )
2021-01-17 06:15:11
2,875 B

2 Outputs

Total Output:
  • Q®Mi {"__cls":"class VaccineToken {\n constructor(to, supply, previousOwners) {\n this.contractTypeID = \"393f0d5f-c3bb-4871-b9fb-b47f4b7ababf\";\n this.contractTypeName = \"VaccineToken\";\n this.contractTypeVersion = \"0.0.2\";\n //_owners/to must be an array passed in\n this._owners = to;\n this.coins = supply;\n this.previousOwners = previousOwners;\n // this.adminPKs = options[\"adminPks\"];\n // this.revokePK = options[\"revokePk\"];\n // this.vial_data = options[\"vial-data\"];\n // this.ndc = options[\"ndc\"];\n // this.lot_id = options[\"lot-id\"];\n // this.manufacturer = options[\"manufacturer\"];\n // this.lot_expiration = options[\"lot-expiration\"];\n // this.patientPK = options[\"patientPK\"];\n // this.providerPK = options[\"providerPK\"];\n // = options[\"country\"];\n // this.state = options[\"state\"];\n // this.postal_code = options[\"postal-code\"];\n // this.distributed_on = options[\"distributed-on\"];\n // this.adminstration_business_id = options[\"admin_business_id\"];\n // this.employee_id = options[\"employee-id\"];\n // this.practitioner_license_id = options[\"practitioner-license-id\"];\n // this.distributed = isDistributed;\n }\n\n // fund(satoshisToAdd) {\n // this._amount += satoshisToAdd;\n // }\n\n // drain(pubKey) {\n // if (!this.adminPKs.includes(pubKey)) {\n // throw new Error(\"You do not have persmission to drain this token.\");\n // }\n // this._amount = 0;\n // return \"Successfully Drained.\";\n // }\n\n // send(to, amount, options) {\n // if (this.coins < amount) throw new Error(\"Insufficient Token Count.\");\n // this.coins -= amount;\n // let previousOwners = this._owners;\n // return new VaccineToken([to], amount, previousOwners, options, false);\n // }\n\n // distribute(owners, options) {\n // if (this.coins == 0) throw new Error(\"Insufficient Token Count.\");\n // this.coins -= 1;\n // return new VaccineToken(owners, 1, this.previousOwners, options, true);\n // }\n\n // revoke(pubKey) {\n // if (this._owners.includes(pubKey)) this.owners = [this.revokePK];\n // else throw new Error(\"You do not have permission to revoke this token.\");\n // }\n}","__index":{"obj":0},"__func":"constructor","__args":[[],1000,[],{"adminPKs":[],"revokePK":"","vial_data":"","ndc":"","lot_id":"","manufacturer":"","lot_expiration":"","patientPK":"sdlkfhaoiqsldkhflsdkjfhlasdjfhoasiduf948ry48yrwf","providerPK":"","country":"","state":"","postal_code":"","distributed_on":"","adminstration_business_id":"","employee_id":"","practitioner_license_id":""},false]}u